Sunday, January 9, 2011

To work or not to work!

My husband and I are retired but I was thinking. Should I get me a part-time job maybe a couple of days a week to get a little extra spending money. Being on Social Security you are on a strict budget so there is only a limited amount left over for fun things like going out to eat,  or taking some weekend vacations.
But, if I do that will I be tied to a job and not be off to go and enjoy those little fun thing. What to do? What to do?  Comments are welcome.

1 comment:

Matt and Lori Graber said...

Consider a part time job that has benefits, like discounts for something you would enjoy.

Nursery = discount plants
Airline = airline tickets
Golf shop = golf games
Bakery = fresh donuts! LOL
Harley shop = discount bikes :)