Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just thinking!

I am going to take a page from my granddaughter Amber. I am going to write about things I think about since we won't be doing any traveling until August.

This is one of the subjects that has been on my mind. Is the world coming to an end in 2012 or soon?

Over the last few years the weather has been changing more hurricanes, tornadoes, violent weather of all sorts. Add to that the things humans have done to the environment. Plus just lately some really weird things have happened with birds and fish and no real explanation for it.

I am not the most religious person in the world but I am a Christian and I have read the bible so I wonder. Are these things signs that yes we are near the end? It is just things I think about. Plus if they are, do we have time to change any of it? Or is it our destiny?   I would love to hear your comments on this. So Please make them.

1 comment:

Matt and Lori Graber said...

My understanding and belief from what the Bible says, is that we do not know our last day. "He will come like a thief in the night".

Therefore, each day is a gift, live it as though it was your last.

:) Lori