Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another cold day in Florida!

We had to get up at 3 AM this morning to put our awning down. The wind was blowing so hard we thought it was going to blow the RV over with the awning up. So here we were out there in the cold in our PJ's putting the awning down in the wind. Any RV owners can tell you how much fun that is. So we slept in until 7:30 AM a first for us as we are usually up by 5 am.

So then we had oatmeal because the temps dropped last night and the wind chill made it feel like about 20 degrees. But that did not stop us from doing our walk and feeding the gulls. The gulls look for us now and as soon as we hit the beach they are there mouths open.

The rest of the day I am sitting watching TV and history in the making. I wanted Hillary but I hope Obama can make the changes he promised. And whether I voted for him or not I am happy to be a part of history in the making. And bring back the dream that every child in America can someday grow up to be president.

1 comment:

Matt and Lori Graber said...

My favorite birds to watch along the Oregon Coast is the sandpipers. They run in and out with each wave, moving as one group in syncronization with each wave. They aren't as common to see as the seagulls, so it's a treat when I do see them.

A favorite Oregon tourism website is www.traveloregon.com. Check it out, it has lots of info and pictures.