Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Workamper's Pot Luck

Since we have been here in West Yellowstone we have met so many workampers I thought it would be a good idea to have a little get-together. So I emailed everyone and we had a wonderful time. The food was great and there was lots of it. The people were awesome. It was so nice to meet such great people from all over working here in one place. There was Jon & Kathleen, JT & Donna, Don & Betty, Paul & Joan, Laverne & Jim, Bud & Nancy, Jerry & Grace, Vicki, Paul & Lupe ourselves Leigh & Lee. We would have gotten more time with each other had not the mosquitoes been so bad. After the wind died down the Mosquitoes were un-bearable so everyone left at once. But for the time we did have it was really great. I would not mind us doing this again but at a place where there are not so many mosquitoes. Good times on the road with lots of new friends.

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