Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bear at Lonesomehurst

Monday Night we got a visit from the bear that was up at Cherry Creek. So I went around warning the campers and Leigh got his camera and went to take pictures. The Barrett's were running towards the bear and he went up the hill on the side of the road and Leigh followed him straight up the mountain and got as close as he could. Meanwhile I am trying to find Leigh and he is gone for an hour. I have people with 4 wheelers looking for him as I am worried. Finally he came home. He decided to come back down the road as he is in shorts and pull on shoes. It takes longer to come down the contour road as it winds around the mountain. In the meantime the bear comes back into the campground and swims across the lake to the other side and has not been seen since. Leigh is loaded with bug bites for his fool hearted trip up the mountain chasing a bear.

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